Labor Day: Have A Safe End Of Summer Blast!
Labor Day is a celebration that typically marks the end of the summer season. Whether you host a party, make use of the long weekend with a fun getaway or choose to stay close to home and celebrate with the family, the following safety tips can ensure that you have a blast.
Road Trips and Traveling
The roads can be especially dangerous on a holiday weekend as drivers are usually out in force. However, whether you share the roadway with other families making use of a quick getaway or you’re competing with trucks to get to your destination, you want to adhere to proper safety precautions when traveling. The National Safety Council figures over 450 deaths and estimates of 42,000 injuries throughout the course of the weekend. Trucks can be especially dangerous when you’re traveling because of the size of the rig and number of hours that they may have been already traveling. It’s best to give them enough space to handle the road safely. You can also avoid getting in an accident by staying in your own lane and going the speed limit. Seatbelts, air bags and child safety seats can also aid in keeping the occupants of a vehicle safe in case of a car accident.
Pool and Beach Safety
The weather can be spectacular over the Labor Day weekend, making it ideal for water related activities. However, water accidents and injuries can happen if you’re not careful. Flotation devices such as life vests are mandatory when you’re out on a boat, even for the family pet. You also want to stay in swimming safe areas of a lake or ocean to avoid getting hit by a boat. If you’re going to spend some time soaking up the sun’s rays in a backyard pool, you need to ensure that your children are accompanied by an adult at all times.
Food and Festivities
No holiday weekend is complete without good food and festivities. Hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken breasts cooked on the grill can be an easy menu option and tasty treat for your guests. However, to prevent salmonella, you want to make sure that your food is cooked to the desired temperature. A food thermometer can give you an accurate reading. You also need to ensure that your foods are stored at a safe temperature, especially mayonnaise dishes such as potato salad.
Drinking and Driving
While you may not be a drinker, you need to remember that somebody else may be looking to imbibe, so you need to use extreme caution when traveling on the road. If you’re hosting a party, you can be responsible by making sure your guests don’t drink and drive. You can also choose to serve non-alcoholic beverages. If you notice a friend or loved one has had one too many drinks, don’t be afraid to take away their keys and offer them other solutions to getting home safely.
As the summer season comes to a close, Labor Day festivities will soon be in full swing. While your holiday plans may include, food, fun, water and sun, you want to reduce your risk of danger by adhering to the above safety tips.
Sad to see the finale of summer, freelance writer Nadine Swayne, offers these tips to have a safe Labor Day weekend. Although it is the end of the season, it doesn’t have to be the beginning of accidents, injury and trauma to your family, safety is always key.
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